Substance Abuse Counseling

Counseling For Substance Abuse: Recovery and Addiction Therapy

How would your life be different if you were free from the grip of substance abuse or alcohol dependency?

Do you find yourself relying on alcohol or other substances to cope with stress, emotions, or challenges in life?
What if you could regain control, break free from addiction, and rebuild your life with confidence and purpose?


It’s a lot. At times, it even feels like too much. Struggling with substance abuse or alcohol dependency can feel overwhelming and isolating, to say the least. A drink or a substance feels so enticing when you’re dealing with stress or big emotions and you have no idea on how to manage it all. Unfortunately, as you very well know, this kind of reliance whether it be alcohol, drugs, sex, work, etc can and will take a toll on your relationships, health, and overall well-being. Substance use slowly begins to take over and control your life, keeping you from engaging and being present to what matters most in life.

Therapy can help. When you work with a trained clinical psychologist, recovery from substance abuse and alcohol dependency is possible. It isn’t easy but also, life isn’t easy.

We’re here to support you in not only regaining control of your life but equipping you with the tools and understanding that will lead to a more fulfilling, healthier life.a black man with a beard leaning against a wall in dress suit and holding a beer, substance abuse, addiction therapy st petersburg fl

Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

Recognizing the signs of addiction is the first step toward seeking help. Addiction can manifest in various ways, and it’s important to be aware of both the physical and behavioral symptoms.

Here are some common signs of addiction to look out for:

  • Increased Tolerance: Needing more of the substance or alcohol to achieve the same effect.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Experiencing physical or psychological symptoms like irritability, anxiety, nausea, or headaches when not using the substance.
  • Loss of Control: Using more of the substance than intended or for longer periods than planned.
  • Neglecting Responsibilities: Missing work, school, or neglecting household duties due to substance use.
  • Isolation: Withdrawing from family, friends, and social activities that don’t involve substance use.
  • Continued Use Despite Negative Consequences: Persisting in substance use even when it causes problems in relationships, work, or health.
  • Unsuccessful Attempts to Quit: Trying to cut down or stop using the substance but finding it difficult to do so.
  • Changes in Appearance: Noticeable weight loss or gain, poor hygiene, or unusual changes in physical appearance.
  • Financial Problems: Spending significant amounts of money on the substance, leading to financial strain.
  • Cravings: Experiencing intense urges or cravings for the substance that are difficult to resist.

How To Recognize Addiction

Being able to identify addiction in yourself or a loved one can be challenging, as denial and stigma often prevent acknowledgment of the issue. However, being honest about the presence of these signs is crucial for taking the first step toward recovery. Here are some key indicators to consider:

  • Self-Reflection: Ask yourself if you’ve tried to cut back on your substance use without success or if you’ve noticed a growing dependence on alcohol or drugs to get through the day.
  • Behavioral Changes: Look for shifts in behavior, such as increasing secrecy, lying about substance use, or engaging in risky activities while under the influence.
  • Emotional Signs: Feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety related to substance use, or noticing similar emotions in a loved one, can be red flags.
  • Physical Health: Pay attention to frequent illnesses, changes in sleep patterns, or unexplained injuries that could be linked to substance use.
  • Impact on Relationships: Notice if substance use is causing strain in relationships, whether through conflicts, broken trust, or emotional distance.
  • Professional Help: If you or a loved one is showing these signs, reaching out for professional support can make a significant difference in beginning the journey to recovery.

Substance use and alcohol dependency can become such a regular part of life that it’s hard to know when things have crossed a line. What started as casual use to unwind or cope can slowly evolve into something more problematic. Many people struggle with questions like, “Is this just a habit, or has it turned into an addiction?” or “When did I lose control over my substance use?” It’s not uncommon to realize that what seemed manageable has become a significant challenge over time.

Early intervention, and even prevention, is crucial in addressing substance abuse effectively. When you meet with one of our Tampa psychologists, they will conduct a thorough evaluation to help you understand the role that substance use or alcohol dependency plays in your life.

Our approach at Wellness Psychological Services is educational and collaborative. We will work with you to uncover the underlying factors contributing to your substance use and develop practical strategies to help you regain control. Whether you’re dealing with occasional misuse or more severe addiction, we’re here to create a plan tailored to your needs. Together, we’ll focus on building coping skills, exploring healthier ways to manage stress, and ultimately, empowering you to lead a life free from the constraints of addiction.

a man sitting in the dark on a couch with his laptop on his knees struggling with addiction, addiction therapy in tampa, substance abuse counseling


Substance Abuse Counseling in St. Petersburg, Fl

You don’t have to keep struggling with substance abuse or alcohol dependency on your own. It’s not just a matter of time before things spiral further out of control. Recovery is possible, and substance abuse counseling WORKS. Our expert clinical psychologists specialize in addiction therapy and recovery in our St. Pete counseling office. Through counseling, you can break free from the cycle of addiction, regain control, and start living a healthier, more fulfilling life.

The longer substance abuse goes unchecked, the more entrenched it can become. Our St. Petersburg counseling office has several therapists who specialize in treating substance abuse and alcohol dependency. If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, please contact our counseling office, and one of our psychologists will call you back personally to offer a free phone consultation. We will help you determine which therapist is the right fit to support you on your journey to recovery. Our team of doctoral-level psychologists in St. Petersburg, Fl specializes in treating various forms of addiction, and a phone consultation ensures that you are matched with the therapist who will be the best fit for your needs!

Our Approach to Substance Abuse and Recovery

When you come to counseling for substance abuse or alcohol dependency, our clinical psychologists will start by conducting a thorough assessment to understand your unique situation. We’ll explore your history with substance use, any past attempts at recovery, and how your current habits are affecting your life. From there, we’ll collaborate with you to develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

But what does substance abuse counseling really look like? Our approach is practical, supportive, and evidence-based. We’ll work with you to identify the underlying triggers that lead to substance use, teach you healthier coping strategies and help you build a life that doesn’t rely on alcohol or drugs. Our therapists often use a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and relapse prevention strategies in our sessions. We believe that recovery is a journey, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

It’s also important to understand that each of our therapists brings their own unique approach to substance abuse treatment. While we all share a commitment to helping you overcome addiction, our individual experiences, training, and personalities allow us to connect with clients in a way that’s most effective for them. You can learn more about each of our psychologists by exploring their individual pages, ensuring you find the right fit for your recovery journey.

Learn More About Our Substance Abuse and Addiction Therapists

Learn More About Dr. Bell’s page for more on her specific approach to Substance Abuse and Recovery

Learn More About Dr. Cunningham’s page for more on her specific approach to Substance Abuse and Recovery

Learn More About Mr. Kinzie’s page for more on his specific approach to Substance Abuse and Recovery


a young woman with a half smile looking at the camera, therapy in st petersburg fl, substance abuse counseling



Substance Abuse counseling and addiction therapy can help you learn how to identify your emotions, develop practical coping strategies that work and help you develop healthy relationships. Begin substance abuse counseling in St. Petersburg, Fl.

Other Mental Health Services at Wellness Psychological Services

As a St. Petersburg, Fl counseling clinic, we offer a variety of therapy services. All of our therapists are doctoral level clinical psychologists and experts in the field of mental health. Other common mental health concerns our psychologists treat include Trauma/PTSD, EMDR therapy, stress management, health psychology, depression & bipolar disorder. We also offer DBT, PCIT therapy, eating disorder treatment, and psychological testing & evaluation services. For couples & families our psychologists provide support for couples/marriage counseling, divorce discernment, & collaborative divorce facilitation. We also offer online therapy. If you don’t see the issue you are looking for listed, please reach out and contact Wellness Psychological Services to ask if one of our psychologists can help you with your unique situation. We look forward to helping you live your best life possible!

Contact Today

205 S. Hoover Blvd. Ste 202
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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