
What Is Really Involved in Therapy?

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Taking that first step to attend therapy can be scary. Many people struggle with anxiety and feelings of uncertainty because they don’t know what to expect.  When you make an eye appointment you expect the doctor to shine lights in your eyes and make you stare through one of those funny binocular-type machines. They may even dilate them. When you...[ read more ]

Learning How to Not Sweat the Small Stuff and Other Happiness Tips

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We are always on the hunt for happiness. Thinking maybe if I do this thing, accomplish this goal, buy the shoes, meet the person, I will be happy. While all that stuff might make you happy for a bit, real true happiness comes from a deeper place. It is about your lifestyle, mindset, perspective, and everyday practices.  The first step...[ read more ]

The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude 

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Think about the day. You wake up, the sun is shining, you feel good, then you get in the car to head to work and you spill your coffee. You drive to work frustrated and now running late since you had to change your pants. You get to work and find out your morning meeting started without you. You feel...[ read more ]

How to Slow Down and Reduce Burnout

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Overflowing calendars, to-do lists, always running from one place to another, we are a culture of overextending ourselves. In some cases, we are moving so fast that we are missing our lives.  This culture of overworking has become so severe that the World Health Organization has officially classified burnout as an “occupational phenomenon” in its International Classification of Diseases. Burnout...[ read more ]

Make 2020 About Self-Care 

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No matter what you strive to do in the new year, don’t forget about yourself. Consider making 2020 the year of you.  Self-care is so important to your mental and physical wellbeing. It is crucial that you take care of your mind, body, and soul every day, not just when you feel sick.  Clients often tell me that they “don’t...[ read more ]

Setting Boundaries with Family During the Holidays and Beyond

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The holidays are upon us. The house is decorated, family meals are planned, and you are excited to connect with loved ones and share in traditions. Or maybe you aren’t that excited.  Holidays are great for many reasons but they are also a time for family drama, arguments, and stress. If you are someone who dreads family get-togethers for this...[ read more ]

Tips to Beat Holiday Stress (and enjoy the holidays more!)

holiday stress buster

As you read this, I imagine you are creating a to-do list of all the things you need to do in the coming weeks. The shopping, baking, cards, decorating, wrapping, and beyond. Your head is likely spinning from all the things you feel like you have to get done. There is no doubt this is a stressful time of year. ...[ read more ]

Tips For Avoiding Holiday Depression

holiday depression tips avoid

The holidays can be a difficult time for anyone. Busy schedules, travel, weather issues, money woes, family matters, and high expectations can push even the happiest of people over the edge. But for those with depression, the holidays can be particularly troublesome. So many things are happening at once, with so many added pressures, it can be easier to trigger...[ read more ]

When Does Sadness Become More?


Sadness hurts. It is a deep, often helpless-feeling, pain. It can come on like a wave because of something you saw, read, heard, or something that happened to you or someone you love. Sometimes you might feel sad and not even know why you feel that way.  Sadness Vs Depression But when does sadness become more? When is it depression?...[ read more ]

Resources To Help You Be More Mindful

mindfulness resources

Being mindful—fully present in the moment—is something we are all capable of, but that doesn’t make it easy. We have gotten so used to multitasking and thinking about ten different things at once that it is hard to break out of old habits.  Mindfulness and meditation can be so beneficial for your overall mental health. That is why these and...[ read more ]

205 S. Hoover Blvd. Ste 202
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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