
Tips For Avoiding Holiday Depression

holiday depression tips avoid

The holidays can be a difficult time for anyone. Busy schedules, travel, weather issues, money woes, family matters, and high expectations can push even the happiest of people over the edge. But for those with depression, the holidays can be particularly troublesome. So many things are happening at once, with so many added pressures, it can be easier to trigger...[ read more ]

When Does Sadness Become More?


Sadness hurts. It is a deep, often helpless-feeling, pain. It can come on like a wave because of something you saw, read, heard, or something that happened to you or someone you love. Sometimes you might feel sad and not even know why you feel that way.  Sadness Vs Depression But when does sadness become more? When is it depression?...[ read more ]

Resources To Help You Be More Mindful

mindfulness resources

Being mindful—fully present in the moment—is something we are all capable of, but that doesn’t make it easy. We have gotten so used to multitasking and thinking about ten different things at once that it is hard to break out of old habits.  Mindfulness and meditation can be so beneficial for your overall mental health. That is why these and...[ read more ]

St. Pete Mindful Resources & Activities

St. Pete mindfulness, peace, nature

LOCAL ST PETERSBURG RESOURCES & ACTIVITIES TO HELP CULTIVATE MINDFULNESS  Mindfulness is most often associated with meditation but there are so many different ways that we often don't think about to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness can also be practiced through many different types of activities and avenues. Many people use various forms of art, massage, movement, dance, as well as being...[ read more ]

Getting Started With Mindfulness/Meditation Practice

cultivating mindfulness

We have been talking about mindfulness practice and its range of benefits for the past few months (we just can’t get enough!). If you missed it, mindfulness is the ability to be present in the moment. That means no daydreaming, no social media scrolling, no grocery list (in your head) making. It means being there. Really truly, fully there in...[ read more ]

Mindfulness Can Actually Change Your Brain

meditation practice

Studies have long shown that the brain can and does change based on our experiences. It makes sense that learning new things would cause us to think differently. As we grow and change as people, so does our brain and the way it functions. This is called neuroplasticity — lasting change in the structure and function of the brain. Designed...[ read more ]

What are the Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness?

Meditation, mindfulness

Life is busy. We are constantly trying to multitask. We are thinking about what to cook for dinner on the drive home from work. We are folding laundry while watching the news. We are rushing through our days trying to finish our mounting to-do lists. And, along the way we are losing track of the present moment. We are missing...[ read more ]

Mindfulness Vs. Meditation

Meditation versus mindfulness

Being mindful is innate. It is a natural part of our being. We are born with the ability to be mindful. But that doesn’t mean it is something that we are always doing. Some certain techniques and practices can make mindfulness easier to achieve and make it something we can fully benefit from. One such technique is mediation. There are...[ read more ]

What is Mindfulness?

It seems as if the practice of mindfulness is getting harder and harder these days with technology always at our fingertips. We are surrounded by distractions. But being mindful has a host of benefits on happiness and stress levels. So, what does it mean to be mindful? It is a lot like it sounds. It is the act of being...[ read more ]

3 Signs You Need PTSD Treatment

After some time has passed following a traumatic event, it is natural to assume your mind and body have healed. But, unfortunately, the reality can be much different. Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can show themselves months, even years after the event itself. Our bodies and minds have a way of trying to protect ourselves by pushing traumatic events deep...[ read more ]

205 S. Hoover Blvd. Ste 202
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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