

No stage of parenting is easy. Every age has it’s challenges, not the least of which are the teen years. Unlike the sleepless nights of infancy and the tantrums of toddlerhood, you no longer have a cute, smiling, chubby cheeked face to look upon in between outbursts. Instead, your sweet, snuggly child has been replaced with a surly faced, eye...[ read more ]

Talking To Your Kids About Covid

The world was drastically changed back in March of this year. And, as the months go by, it is becoming more and more clear that Covid-19 is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. This month saw many kids returning to school, whether it be in person, online, or a hybrid of both. And just like that, children...[ read more ]


The last few months have been unprecedented. All over the world, the emergence of Covid-19 has brought about changes that we never could have anticipated, leaving everyone reeling in ways we couldn't have imagined.  One of these changes was the shutting down of schools worldwide. Suddenly, the routine of millions of children was disrupted overnight, with parents scrambling to understand...[ read more ]

How to cope with a semi-quarantined, not fully back to normal life

While many have begun to return to life as normally as we can amidst Covid-19, many have opted to continue living in a restricted manner. As we head into month five of implementing precautions to keep ourselves physically healthy, the question begs to be asked: what about our mental health? While self isolation can play a key role in reducing...[ read more ]

Tips for finding our new normal

We’ve been living alongside COVID-19 for over 3 months now, and many are asking if we’ll ever get back to “normal life.” But what IS normal these days? While the act of grabbing a mask on the way out the door seemed foreign and awkward just a few months ago, today, many find it as natural as grabbing their keys...[ read more ]

St. Pete Mindful Resources & Activities

St. Pete mindfulness, peace, nature

LOCAL ST PETERSBURG RESOURCES & ACTIVITIES TO HELP CULTIVATE MINDFULNESS  Mindfulness is most often associated with meditation but there are so many different ways that we often don't think about to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness can also be practiced through many different types of activities and avenues. Many people use various forms of art, massage, movement, dance, as well as being...[ read more ]

Mindfulness Can Actually Change Your Brain

meditation practice

Studies have long shown that the brain can and does change based on our experiences. It makes sense that learning new things would cause us to think differently. As we grow and change as people, so does our brain and the way it functions. This is called neuroplasticity — lasting change in the structure and function of the brain. Designed...[ read more ]

What are the Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness?

Meditation, mindfulness

Life is busy. We are constantly trying to multitask. We are thinking about what to cook for dinner on the drive home from work. We are folding laundry while watching the news. We are rushing through our days trying to finish our mounting to-do lists. And, along the way we are losing track of the present moment. We are missing...[ read more ]

Mindfulness Vs. Meditation

Meditation versus mindfulness

Being mindful is innate. It is a natural part of our being. We are born with the ability to be mindful. But that doesn’t mean it is something that we are always doing. Some certain techniques and practices can make mindfulness easier to achieve and make it something we can fully benefit from. One such technique is mediation. There are...[ read more ]

205 S. Hoover Blvd. Ste 202
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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