
DBT Prolonged Exposure (DBT PE) By Dr. Arroyo-Carrion

The DBT Prolonged Exposure Protocol (DBT PE) is an evidenced-based treatment for PTSD developed by Melanie Harned, PhD. It combines all the elements of Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) with DBT skills to assist with acquiring behavioral control and addressing any presenting difficulties that remain after PE. Treatment is delivered in three stages but overall, it has been started after 20...[ read more ]


Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) is an evidence-based therapy designed to treat PTSD. PE assists individuals approach trauma-related symptoms while reducing engagement in avoidance and increasing feelings of accomplishment. Treatment consists of 8-15, 90-minute sessions, usually on a weekly basis.   WHAT IS PE?   PE is a trauma-focused therapy that assists patients actively work on controlling symptoms even those with...[ read more ]

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: What it is, and What it isn’t By: Dr. Nicole Biondoletti

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: What it is, and What it isn’t OCD is fascinating in that it is very simple in definition but extraordinarily varied in presentation. Here is a brief discussion on the basics of OCD and some common misconceptions. What it is: OCD is the presence of intrusive thoughts or obsessions (used interchangeably in the context of OCD) and/or compulsions....[ read more ]

What is Mom Guilt, and How to Overcome It!

This month, we’ve been talking about women’s mental health and the battles we face. In our last blog, we talked about the pressure we—as women—face every day to “be it all.” In this one, we’re going to talk about how that pressure impacts a particular group of women. Moms. Because not only do mom’s, like most women, deal with the...[ read more ]

Women’s Mental Health & The Pressure to do it All

How many times have you heard a friend talk about how overwhelmed she is? How tired, or stressed, or frustrated she is? Not during times of crisis or huge event, but just in her regular day to day life? How many times have YOU felt that way?    As women, the pressure to DO ALL THE THINGS is a weight...[ read more ]

Coping with Uncertainty by Dr. Elizabeth Justine Devlin

Coping with Uncertainty “Uncertainty is the only certainty there is” –John Allen Paulos Living with uncertainty as a human being is one of the most trying and challenging concepts to cope and come to terms with. Whether that be existential crises about the meaning and purpose of ones life and what occurs after death, or day to day struggles and...[ read more ]

Does Virtual Couples Therapy Really Work?

Over the last two years, the term “virtual therapy” is popping up more and more. Before the pandemic, many of us had never even considered meeting with a therapist via computer, phone, or tablet. The health safety benefits of virtual therapy speak for themselves in a pandemic. But, millions across the world have also discovered the convenience of online therapy....[ read more ]

Connect then Direct by Sarah Diers, PhD, Licensed Psychologist

The following are a few examples of statements I commonly hear when I meet with couples who are experiencing conflict: “I have already apologized more times than I can count.” “I tried to explain to him that I don’t mean to be insensitive.” “I told her how horrible I felt for doing that.” “I keep saying I love you, but...[ read more ]

The Benefits of Virtual Therapy

Not too long ago, virtual therapy wasn’t something you heard much about. Therapy and the need for it, in general, isn’t talked about enough. But as we live alongside Covid 19, the need for therapy continues to rise, and with it the necessity of virtual therapy.    Covid and other health reasons aside (avoiding exposure, limiting contact with others, etc),...[ read more ]

Attachment Patterns

How can styles of attachment lead to toxic patterns of relationships and breaking the generational cycles to achieve love and connection Attachment patterns are passed down from one generation to the next. Children learn how to connect from parents and caregivers, and they in turn teach the next generation. Your attachment history plays a crucial role in determining how you relate in adult...[ read more ]

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