
How Do You Know When To Start Therapy?

starting therapy when to know

Knowing when therapy is necessary or could be beneficial is a challenge we, as therapists, hear often. How do I know when to start? Is now a good time? Is therapy only for people with deep emotional issues? Do I have to have a lot to talk about? Is it really necessary?  The short answer to when should you start...[ read more ]

When Does Sadness Become More?


Sadness hurts. It is a deep, often helpless-feeling, pain. It can come on like a wave because of something you saw, read, heard, or something that happened to you or someone you love. Sometimes you might feel sad and not even know why you feel that way.  Sadness Vs Depression But when does sadness become more? When is it depression?...[ read more ]

205 S. Hoover Blvd. Ste 202
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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