Whether you’re married, engaged, or dating, chances are, you’ve experienced conflict in your relationship. Maybe you don’t see eye to eye on everything, or maybe one of you is more sensitive than the other. Maybe you can’t agree on basic things like how to spend money, who’s family to spend holidays with, or when to move your relationship to the next level.
Regardless of the length of time you’ve been together, if you’re committed to the relationship and want it to last, couples therapy should be something to consider. Many couples view couples therapy as a “last resort,” but that’s not necessarily the case. Many healthy couples attend regular therapy. And most of them would tell you that’s why their relationship is healthy.
Relationships Need Maintenance Too
Think of it as maintenance on your car. Sure, if your car is making a funny sound, or the check engine light is glowing, you’re going to take it in. But what about regular oil changes and check ups? The preventative things you do to keep your vehicle running smoothly? The same concept applies to relationships. There’s little sense in waiting until your relationship is on the rocks to seek help maintaining your relationship, although being on the rocks is certainly is a good reason to schedule an appointment.
Many couples wait until something is broken in the relationship, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Scheduling regular sessions with a couples therapist can improve communication, build trust, develop more closeness and better intimacy, and help you learn the best ways to love one another. Imagine having all of those tools under your belt before a storm hits. Utilizing couples therapy as a way to build a strong foundation can help ensure that you and your significant other don’t falter when things get rough. And things will get rough. That’s just the nature of relationships.
Common Relationship Issues
Now, if you’re reading this, and you already feel the strain of your relationship, you may be asking yourself if couples therapy will even help. Some common difficulties in relationships that can be resolved in couples therapy are:
Premarital Topics
If you and your partner are engaged or considering marriage, there are a lot of things that should be discussed beforehand. Pre-marital counseling can help you not only identify those things that matter the most to you, but also help you communicate those things to each other. Do you want kids? How many? Where will you live after marriage? How will roles and expectations change after marriage? These are all things to talk about BEFORE you say “I do.”
Broken Trust
For one reason or another, one or both partners feel like they can’t trust the other. This can be a result of infidelity, unmet expectations, or simply putting up a wall between yourself and your partner. Whatever the reason the trust has been broken, it likely can’t be repaired without intervention from a licensed professional.
Personal loss, either as an individual or a couple. Miscarriages, death of a parent or child, loss of a job…these are all changes that can have a devastating impact on a relationship. Oftentimes, it’s hard to identify how we feel when these changes occur, and it can seem almost impossible to rely on our partner in our grief. Meeting with a licensed couples therapist can help identify what you’re feeling, and help you communicate it to your partner.
Lack of emotional or physical intimacy
If you and your partner are feeling a disconnect from one another, it’s time to talk to someone. No relationship can survive without intimacy, and if you’re struggling to be close to each other, whether physically or emotionally, it will likely take therapy to not only determine why but to figure out how to move past it so that intimacy can be re-established.
You cannot navigate arguments without mutual respect and understanding. If you find that your fighting is escalating and that the outcome is not productive, then you’ll need someone to help you figure out the tools you need to make changes. Every couple fights. But when fighting turns to anger or rage, name-calling, shouting, and disrespecting one another, it’s gone too far. A therapist will help you learn how to see the signs in yourself and your partner that things are too much, and can show you much-needed techniques for de-escalation. This will lead to more productive fighting, where a conversation can actually occur and you and your partner can hear and understand where the other is coming from.
Start Couples Therapy In Tampa, FL
These are just some of the things that can occur in a relationship that can be addressed in couples therapy. There are many more reasons to consider scheduling with a therapist who will help you choose the right type of couples therapy for your relationship. The most important thing to remember is that there’s no reason to wait until these problems are occurring to seek help. Relationships are hard, and they require work, and constant communication. By scheduling sessions early on, you can get ahead of many of these issues. You can also ensure that your relationship is at its strongest.
According to The Gottman Institute, only 19% of couples seek out therapy, while over 50% of marriages end in divorce. It’s hard not to wonder how those statistics would change if more couples would see couples therapy as maintenance and not just a repair.
If you’re curious about how couples therapy can help you build a better relationship, or help repair a broken one, please call us today.
Our doctoral-level therapists specialize in couples therapy from our Tampa-based therapy practice, our St. Petersburg-based therapy practice, or through virtual therapy. We have assisted hundreds of couples in creating healthier relationships. To start your therapy journey, please contact us today.
Thanking for giving me a helpful information.I like your blog and also appreciate.But I have a question, when a person is suffer from miscarriage then how couple therapy help the patient.
Thanks for your question. It would depend on the specifics of the couple and situation but generally it can help a couple to support one another through a traumatic loss, communicate their feelings and needs to each other and grieve.