
How To Tell if You Have Disordered Eating

How To Tell if You Have Disordered Eating This month, we’ve been talking about disordered eating, and how it affects our mental and physical health. If you missed our blog from earlier in March, you can check it out here: But what if you’re unsure if you’re struggling with disordered eating? Here are some helpful tips to help you decide...[ read more ]

Is Online or In-Person Eating Disorder Treatment in Tampa, FL best for me?

A close up of a person typing on their laptop, anxiety and behavioral health services, anxiety therapy

By: Dr. Lisa Beckman If you have an eating disorder, you may have realized that there are different types of treatment modalities available. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase in the amount of therapy being done virtually and you may be wondering, what type of treatment is better, online or in person? A recent study found...[ read more ]

Work Life Balance and Why it Matters

Work Life Balance and Why it Matters This month, we’re focusing on the importance of maintaining a healthy work life balance. If you’re not sure what work life balance is, let’s start by defining that phrase.  The phrase “work life balance” is simply the act of maintaining healthy boundaries between your professional and personal lives. While this may seem like...[ read more ]

How to Handle Burnout

In our last blog post, we talked about how to define burnout, as well as signs that you’re experiencing it. But now what? What do you do once you’ve identified that it’s burnout that you’re dealing with? What steps can you take to alleviate the stress and exhaustion that comes with it? For some, the only solution is to literally...[ read more ]

What is Burnout and How to Recognize it

What is Burnout and How to Recognize it Webster’s Dictionary defines burnout as: exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration. In his original 1974 article, Herbert Freudenberger, who coined the term burnout, described the state of being burned out as “becoming exhausted by making excessive demands on energy, strength, or resources” in the workplace....[ read more ]

Self Care During the Holidays

It’s that time of year again. A time for friends and family. A time for shopping and get togethers. A time for adding a million extra things to our already overloaded plates, all in the spirit of the holidays, which we may or may not actually enjoy. Whether you love the holidays, or you’re just trying to survive them, the...[ read more ]

Tips for Setting Up Your Psychoeducational Evaluation Testing in Florida

How can I prepare for the clinical testing and assessment?  At Wellness Psychological Services, we strive to make the Psychoeducational Evaluation experience as peaceful and enjoyable as possible. Broadly speaking, you can expect a 60-minute clinical interview, 1 to 4 hours of in-person testing, 30 to 3 hours of at-home questionnaires, and a 60-minute feedback session. The testing process varies...[ read more ]

The Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT & it’s Common Uses

The Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT & it’s Common Uses As we explore the benefits of DBT, we wanted to go over some of the disorders it’s commonly used to treat. If you struggle with one of the following, DBT may be a great option for you. Borderline Personality Disorder. DBT was designed specifically for treating people with BPD....[ read more ]

Dialectical Behavior Therapy by Dr. Jonathan Huffman 

Welcome! Thank you for stopping by to read about dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). We are passionate about DBT and are excited for the chance to share information from a DBT therapist with you today. DBT is an evidence-based practice. It focuses treatment on the acquisition and application of skills in 4 major modules: Mindfulness Distress tolerance Emotion regulation Interpersonal effectiveness...[ read more ]

Are you unsure if Family Therapy is the right fit for you? Here are some of the most common issues addressed in Family Therapy.  

By: Dr. Elizabeth Justine Devlin   Family therapy is often utilized as a therapeutic approach to a diverse array of presenting concerns amongst family members including family conflict, communication difficulties, conflict amongst siblings, and therapy after a trauma to the family such as divorce, infidelity, or loss. In addition, learning how to support a family member who has a mental...[ read more ]

205 S. Hoover Blvd. Ste 202
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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