How To Tell if You Have Disordered Eating

How To Tell if You Have Disordered Eating

This month, we’ve been talking about disordered eating, and how it affects our mental and physical health. If you missed our blog from earlier in March, you can check it out here:

But what if you’re unsure if you’re struggling with disordered eating? Here are some helpful tips to help you decide if it’s time to reach out for help.

Most eating disorders begin with obsessive thinking surrounding food, weight, and eating. This intrusive thinking can come with obsessive calorie counting, food restrictions, excessive and  compulsive exercising and or eating, and obsessing over eating patterns.

Oftentimes, if caught in this early obsessive stage, the person struggling can take control of the issue before it progresses to disordered eating. Going after it in this stage can help get to the root of the problem before any major physical ramifications take place.

If you’re not sure if you’re struggling in this way, here are two important signs to look for:


Do you avoid eating in front of others? Or do you avoid social outings where food is involved?

Do you hide the amount and types of food you consume from your loved ones? This could be hiding the food you’re binging, or it could be restricting yourself from eating enough and hiding that from others.

Are you dissatisfied with your body or your appearance (specifically centered around your weight) to the point where it consumes your daily thoughts? If your unhappiness with your body causes you to isolate yourself from others, you could be on the verge of an eating disorder.


Many people struggling with disordered eating engage in dangerous repeated patterns, such as unrealistic workout routines. This could consist of working out multiple times in one day, or for extended, unhealthy periods of time. A desperation to burn excess calories, either while binging or restricting calories, can lead to dangerous exercise habits.

Sometimes, these unhealthy rituals surround food and eating habits, as well. Only eating certain foods (eliminating entire food groups), capping your caloric intake at a dangerously low level, only eating at certain times or on certain days, constantly trying new fad diets, or using food to reward or punish unhealthy weight loss or exercise goals, are all red flags that your routines are due to an eating disorder. These rituals also come with a large amount of guilt and shame when not followed.

If, while reading this, you’ve noticed that you see signs of these things in your own life, we strongly encourage you to reach out to a licensed mental health provider. You can contact us at 813-563-1155, email us at, or visit our website at

We’re here to help!

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Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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