
Meet Dr. Nicole Biondoletti

Meet Dr. Nicole Biondoletti, who will be joining Wellness Psychological Services full time in August. We are very excited to be adding Dr. Biondoletti to our team of psychologists. She brings a wealth of specialized experience in treating Anxiety Disorders, Trauma and PTSD. ​ What inspired you to pursue a career as a therapist? To be honest, I’m not quite...[ read more ]

5 Techniques for Coping With Anxiety

Your heart feels like it is beating out of your chest. You can’t get your brain to shut off. You are consumed by thinking the worst. You can’t focus. You feel like drowning yourself in anything that will numb these feelings. You are finding it hard to smile, relax, and breathe. This is anxiety and it can be all-consuming and...[ read more ]

Three Thoughts That Can Increase Anxiety

Anxiety can easily rule your life if you let it. Certain thoughts increase anxiety symptoms and make it even harder to cope with anxious feelings. Recognizing and working to cut back on these thought patterns can be life changing. But, what are they? What are these harmful thoughts? There are several but I am going to start by focusing on...[ read more ]


I think of “high functioning anxiety” as the kind of anxiety that is usually well concealed. I have heard it described as “anxiety hidden behind a smile and the outward picture of success.” It is the person who may appear calm, successful and very well put together on the surface, but internally they are in significant distress. It is common...[ read more ]


Considering that I have been talking about starting a blog for several years but continually keep putting it off, it seemed that procrastination and fear was a fitting place to start. I am almost never a procrastinator by nature and am usually the opposite – driven by anxiety that fuels me to complete things early. I decided to dig into...[ read more ]

205 S. Hoover Blvd. Ste 202
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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