
Setting Boundaries with Family During the Holidays and Beyond

holiday boundaries

The holidays are upon us. The house is decorated, family meals are planned, and you are excited to connect with loved ones and share in traditions. Or maybe you aren’t that excited.  Holidays are great for many reasons but they are also a time for family drama, arguments, and stress. If you are someone who dreads family get-togethers for this...[ read more ]

Tips to Beat Holiday Stress (and enjoy the holidays more!)

holiday stress buster

As you read this, I imagine you are creating a to-do list of all the things you need to do in the coming weeks. The shopping, baking, cards, decorating, wrapping, and beyond. Your head is likely spinning from all the things you feel like you have to get done. There is no doubt this is a stressful time of year. ...[ read more ]

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