
Navigating the return to “normal”

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over a year since the world was rocked by the arrival of COVID-19 and the life changes that came with it. Seemingly overnight, our lives came to a screeching halt, causing fear, anxiety, panic, isolation, and a feeling of loneliness that many people had never felt before. For those individuals already dealing with...[ read more ]

Talking To Your Kids About Covid

The world was drastically changed back in March of this year. And, as the months go by, it is becoming more and more clear that Covid-19 is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. This month saw many kids returning to school, whether it be in person, online, or a hybrid of both. And just like that, children...[ read more ]

How to cope with a semi-quarantined, not fully back to normal life

While many have begun to return to life as normally as we can amidst Covid-19, many have opted to continue living in a restricted manner. As we head into month five of implementing precautions to keep ourselves physically healthy, the question begs to be asked: what about our mental health? While self isolation can play a key role in reducing...[ read more ]

How to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

social distancing covid connected

In the past month, there have been some new phrases added to our vocabularies, one of which is “social distancing.” We now know the importance of staying six-feet apart from each other, avoiding crowds, even staying away from family and friends. While this is vitally important right now, It can be a real struggle, leaving us feeling alone during already...[ read more ]

How to Cope with Anxiety Surrounding COVID-19

covid anxiety

These are unprecedented times. They feel a little crazy and surreal, yet as we are now realizing—so very necessary. Our worlds have been turned upside down—jobs are being done at home, kids are being homeschooled, our lifestyles have been put on hold. All of this while a global health crisis threatens to enter our homes and cause harm to our...[ read more ]

Make 2020 About Self-Care 

relax self-care 2020

No matter what you strive to do in the new year, don’t forget about yourself. Consider making 2020 the year of you.  Self-care is so important to your mental and physical wellbeing. It is crucial that you take care of your mind, body, and soul every day, not just when you feel sick.  Clients often tell me that they “don’t...[ read more ]

Tips to Beat Holiday Stress (and enjoy the holidays more!)

holiday stress buster

As you read this, I imagine you are creating a to-do list of all the things you need to do in the coming weeks. The shopping, baking, cards, decorating, wrapping, and beyond. Your head is likely spinning from all the things you feel like you have to get done. There is no doubt this is a stressful time of year. ...[ read more ]

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Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 563-1155

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